Chronological order of investment


Stages of completion

Investment completion is divided into several major stages:

  • Preparation of the building design
  • Submission of the design to the office (in order to receive building permit)
  • Prefabrication process
  • Building assembly


Completion of these stages is essential to carry out the investment.


The period, necessary to carry out and complete the investment, depends on a few factors such as: owning building permit, choosing ready or individual design, kind and size of a building and standard of finishing, among other things.

Tranching of investment

For investor’s security and comfort, payment for the investment has been divided into 4 tranches (depending on stage of investment completion). The investor does not have to pay all sum of money on a one-off basis.


Division of tranches:

  • tranche – 15 % of value of the entire investment, paid after signing the agreement. The payment date- within 3 days from the date of signing the agreement.
  • tranche- 50 % of the entire investment value, paid after sending the investor documents which are necessary to gain building permit. The payment date- within 7 days from the date of signing the protocol confirming handing over construction documentation.
  • tranche- 30 % of the entire investment value, paid within 3 days from completion of building’s prefabrication. 
  • tranche- 5 % of the entire investment value, paid after completion of assembling the building. The payment date- within 7 days from the date of signing protocol concerning assembly completion.